Teaching Children About Sexuality and Relationships
Following a friend’s advice and teaching my children about sexuality from a young age was one of the best decisions I’ve made as a parent. When my seven-year-old started asking questions about how babies were made, I attended a parent information evening run by a local Sexual Health and Family Planning service.
I was taking a leap of faith. I worried he was too young, but I can honestly say our early conversations played a role in keeping him safe from predators and built the foundation that allowed us to have candid conversations about really important things like why I didn’t think he should watch pornography and the risks of teen pregnancy. But it also meant we had lots of discussions around what makes a great relationship, which was just as important.
There are amazing courses online you can also attend these days. The key message is start these conversations early (in an age appropriate manner) and have them regularly throughout childhood and adolescence.
“Special Boys Business” and “Special Girls Business”, by Rose Stewart et al.
“Everyone’s got a Bottom”, by Family Planning Queensland – Good Reads
Planet Puberty – www.planetpuberty.org.au
Brave Hearts – bravehearts.org.au